As an international student you are required to have your current living address and contact information (e-mail address and telephone number) updated with our office at all times. If you are moving, you will need to make sure you have reported your new living address within 10 days of moving.

How to Update Your Address

Current Students: 

  • Log-in to TUportal
  • Click "Self-Service Banner" under TUAPPLICATIONS
  • Click the "Personal Information" tab
  • Click "Address and Phones". You can edit your phone number here and your current living address under "Living Address".
    • Make sure you write the address with the street number on  the first line, building name on the second line. for example:

1940 Liacouras Walk
Suite (E or W), Room #_____
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Alumni on Post-Completion OPT:

  • You will update your living address in the SEVP Portal.
  • You will not be able access the SEVP Portal until your OPT has been approved AND the OPT period has begun. 
  • SEVP will e-mail you directly at the e-mail address in your SEVIS record (usually your Temple e-mail) to grant you access to the portal. Make sure to check your junk e-mail folder as well if you don't see the e-mail. If you have changed your e-mail address, please let us know at
  • Please see the study in the states information page at for more information on the SEVP Portal and how to use it.
  • If you moved and your OPT has not yet been approved or begun send an email to to report your new living address.
  • If your OPT has begun and you still have not received the access link from SEVP to your SEVP Portal, please let us know by e-mailing

Alumni on STEM Extension OPT:

  • Once you have transitioned to the STEM Extension of OPT you will no longer be able to access your SEVP Portal. Therefore, you must report any changes to your address or contact information to our office by e-mailing

  • If you need to report any changes to your employment while working on the STEM Extension, you must complete the reporting form.