ISSS staff are not immigration attorneys and are limited when discussing matters related to Temple University's current and prospective nonimmigrant students and scholars; therefore, Temple University has established relationships with the following four immigration law firms for processing Temple-sponsored, employment-based permanent residency.

In addition, in cases that are beyond their expertise, ISSS staff will recommend that international students and scholars seek advice of qualified immigration attorneys.

ISSS is not involved in the process to sponsor individuals for permanent residence. As stipulated in the University’s policy on Sponsorship of Foreign Nationals for U.S. Lawful Permanent Residence, Temple University will typically sponsor international faculty who are full-time, regular employees in tenure and tenure-track academic job classifications, provided the cognizant dean or her/his designee agrees to support the application. For other positions, a department may request an exception from the office of Human Resources if unique circumstances justify the sponsorship.



Telephone Number

Email Address

Klasko Immigration Law Partners, LLP

1601 Market Street, Suite 2600 Philadelphia, PA 19103


Green and Spiegel

1524 Delancey Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia PA 19102


You can find an immigration lawyer through either AILA or the Philadelphia Bar Association:

A list of  free or low cost lawyers is also available for hardship cases.