This information is provided as a guide only. International students, scholars and employees should seek professional guidance from the appropriate government agency, a qualified accountant or attorney in order to understand and meet specific tax obligations. For more information, please visit Human Resources' website:
FORM 8843 must be filed For U.S. Nonresident Aliens and Resident Aliens who DID NOT have U.S. Earnings/Income during the current Tax Year.
Anyone in J-1 status, even if you did not work or have taxable scholarships or other income in the U.S. during 2015 must submit form 8843, confirming the dates you were in the US. J-1 scholars can use the free Glacier Tax Prep software provided by Temple. Please email your Name and TUid Number to Shelley Biagas. Once she receives this information, she will forward you access to Glacier. Once in the system, simply select the option that states “Complete my U.S. tax return using Glacier Tax Prep” and “No income earned in 2015." You will be directed to print your completed 8843 and mailing instructions. Shelley Biagas can be contacted by phone at 215-926-2240.