International students are required to show tuition for 2 academic semesters +  estimated living expenses of $15,000 + $8700 in estimated fees for books,  health insurance and supplies etc. To determine your estimated fees:

  • Navigate to tuition rates / tuition calculator
  • Select "out-of-state / international" 
  • Select the appropriate level of education
  • Select the appropriate College or School
  • **Graduate students who are charged on a per credit hour basis must multiply the per credit hour rate by 18 (nine credits each Fall and Spring to be considered full-time).  If you are planning on taking more than 9 credit hours per semester, you should multiply  per credit amounts accordingly.

Use this sample to estimate your fees

Estimated Fees Per Academic Year

Per Academic Year


Full-time Tuition

Per Academic Year

Insert Tuition from "tuition calculator"


Estimated Living Expenses

Per Academic Year



University Services Fees

Per Academic Year



International Student Fee

Per Academic Year



Other expenses (Books, Health insurance, ETC

Per Academic Year



If you are bringing a dependent

Per Academic Year

$4,000 for a spouse and $2,500 per child


Total Estimated Expenses

Per Academic Year


Estimated Fees Per Academic Year


Per Academic Year

Full-time Tuition

Insert Tuition from "tuition calculator"

Estimated Living Expenses


University Services Fees


International Student Fee


Other expenses (Books, Health insurance, ETC


If you are bringing a dependent

$4,000 for a spouse and $2,500 per child

Total Estimated Expenses


These are minimum estimated expenses. Individual expenses may vary